Sitting in a hot tub on a warm evening is nice, but have you ever relaxed in one during the colder months? When fall and winter roll around, people spend most of their time indoors cozied up on the couch with a warm blanket. However, there are all sorts of benefits to soaking in a hot tub during colder weather.

Here’s why you should venture outside, even when it’s cold, to spend some time in your hot tub. 

De-stress & Unwind

There’s nothing better than coming home after a long day and taking a dip in your hot tub. Soaking for just half an hour can help you to de-stress and settle down after a stressful day at work. Treat yourself to some well-deserved self-care by putting your hot tub to good use in the cooler months. Throw on a robe, venture outside, and hop in for a night of chilly air, beautiful stars and perfect relaxation. 

Soothe Your Achy Joints & Muscles

Colder weather is known to bring out the worst in achy joints and sore muscles. Whether you’re worn out from shoveling snow, hauling firewood, or from spending too much time on the couch, spending time in hot water is beneficial. No matter if you’ve got a sore neck, back, or feet, your hot tub can help. Soaking can soothe and ease any pain or discomfort that’s keeping you from being and feeling your best.

Ease Winter Blues

The days are shorter during the fall and winter, which keeps many of us from spending much time outside. While it may be chilly, the colder seasons also have their sunny days. Spending an hour or two outside relaxing in your hot tub is the perfect way to soak up much-needed vitamin D. Take advantage of those crisp and sunny mornings to start your day off with a soak, or use your hot tub for 20 minutes each evening to keep wintertime blues at bay.

Cold Relief

Do you often get sick during the winter? You aren’t alone. Spending more time inside cooped up is the perfect environment for spreading germs. If you’re feeling under the weather, head outside! Soaking in your hot tub can help to reduce cold and flu symptoms. The hot water helps to clear your sinuses and can ease coughing or chest discomfort. 

Boost Skin Health

Cold weather is notorious for wreaking havoc on your skin, so it’s important to boost your skin health. Did you know that the hot water opens up your pores, which allows trapped dirt and oil to be released? That’s right – your hot tub could be your solution for clear skin. If you have sensitive skin, be sure to shower after getting out of the hot tub. And don’t forget to apply a good moisturizer, as well.

Your Lexington Hot Tub Experts

Even though the days are getting shorter and cooler weather is setting in, you can still put your hot tub to good use. In fact, some may argue that this time of year is the best time to enjoy your hot tub. Give the hot tub experts a call or stop by our hot tub store in Lexington to grab everything you need to keep your hot tub up and running throughout the season. If you’re looking to add a hot tub to your backyard, be sure to stop in to see the different models we have available. 

About Aurora Pools & Spas

Aurora Pools & Spas has been the choice pool, spa and outdoor living experts in Lexington, Richmond, Georgetown and the surrounding areas since 1982. Family-owned and operated Aurora Pools & Spas has a rich history of providing the area with exceptional inground vinyl liner and fiberglass pool construction, as well as above ground pool sales and installation. 

Aurora Pools & Spas has built its long-standing reputation in the area through superior customer service whether they are building pools, selling chemicals and patio furniture, or answering any questions local pool owners may have.

Let Aurora Pools & Spas handle all of your pool care needs. For more information, call (859) 299-2932, visit their website at, or find them online at Facebook and YouTube