Frequently Asked Pool & Spa Questions Answered
Aurora Pools & Spas takes pride in providing clients with superior customer service, and that starts with ensuring all of your questions are answered. Please read below for answers to some of the most popular questions asked about pools and hot tubs. Please click on the + button to reveal the answer and the – button to hide.
Pool FAQs
What Levels Are Considered Balanced for Pool Water?
- pH: 7.2 – 7.6
- Alkalinity: 80 ppm – 120 ppm
- Calcium Hardness: 200 ppm – 500 ppm
How Long Should I Run My Pool Pump?
Aurora recommends running your pool pump 24/7 for optimal circulation. If 24/7 isn’t feasible, run it for at least 8–12 hours daily.
What Is the Proper Water Level for My Pool?
Your pool water should be filled to about two-thirds up the skimmer. This is often marked by the third screw from the bottom of the skimmer faceplate.
How Often Should I Backwash My Pool?
Backwash your pool filter when the pressure gauge reads 10 psi higher than the normal operating pressure (usually 8–12 psi). Continue backwashing until the water runs clear, typically taking 1–2 minutes.
When Should I Clean or Replace My Cartridge Filter?
- Clean the cartridge when the pressure rises 10 psi above the baseline reading after a cleaning, usually every 6 weeks.
- Replace the filter every 1–2 years, depending on usage and care.
Which Side of a Solar Cover Faces the Water?
The bubble side of the solar cover should face down toward the water.
What Setting Should My Valve Be on When Vacuuming My Pool?
- Use the filter setting for routine vacuuming.
- Use the waste setting for exceptionally dirty pools, but note that this will lower the water level quickly.
What Sizes Are Available for Above-Ground Pools?
Aurora offers above-ground pools in common sizes, including 15’, 18’, 21’, 24’, 27’, and 30’ diameters.
How Deep Are Above-Ground Pools?
Above-ground pools typically come in depths of 48”, 52”, or 54”.
How Long Does It Take to Install an Above-Ground Pool?
On average, an above-ground pool installation is completed in one day.
Does Aurora Pools Handle Excavation?
Yes, when you purchase an installed above-ground pool package, it includes excavation, site preparation, delivery, and assembly of your pool.
Spa FAQs
How Often Should I Drain My Spa?
Spas should be drained and refilled every 3-4 months.
How Long do Spa Filters Last?
On average spa filters should be changed yearly if cleaned regularly. The more often you clean them the longer they will last.
What Temperature Should I Keep My Hot Tub?
The temperature you keep your hot tub is really based on personal preference. We recommend at least 98 degrees because that is the temperature of the human body and anything lower will feel cool.
How Long Can I Sit in My Hot Tub?
The average healthy adult will use a hot tub for between 15-30 minutes. However if you have certain health issues you will want to discuss it with your doctor to determine a safe length of time.