Investing in a hot tub is a great way to add value and fun to your outside space. Once you make this investment, you probably want to make the most of it. If your hot tub is closed during the warmer months of the year, are you really getting the most bang for your buck?  Read More

Hot tubs have long been considered an adult activity, but the reality is they aren’t just for the older crowd. They’re a fantastic place to relax, chat, and generally spend time together with people of all ages. And when it comes to quality family time, relaxing, chatting and spending time together matters now more than  Read More

If you’ve ever wondered how beneficial using a hot tub is for your heart, research continues to confirm that these soaks work wonders on your heart health. With February recognized as American Heart Health Month, it’s important to recognize that while heart disease affects a large population of Americans, regular soaks in a hot tub  Read More

Throughout the past year, hot tubs have surged in popularity, with some areas seeing a 30 to 40 percent increase in demand. This unprecedented surge, coupled with the drop in production thanks to COVID shutdowns, has caused a supply shortage among hot tub manufacturers. Demand is so high that many hot tub retailers have sold  Read More

How many times have you heard, or even said yourself, “New Year, New Me”? The ringing in of a new year often brings many people making their resolutions to become a newer and better version of themselves when the clock strikes midnight. So let’s start 2021 not with lofty goals of a complete self overhaul,  Read More

If you are considering adding a hot tub to your home, you may wonder if you will really use it that often. Like many hot tub owners before, you’ll be shocked to discover just how much you actually enjoy your hot tub and will want to use every possible day you can. While hot tubs  Read More